Sneakpeak in the -not so perfect- life of an artist
Last week I just made the heart-wrenching decision of selling my beloved first car, a little blue Toyota-Yaris in which I had a lot of adven
Master in Procastination
I guess you know what I'm talking about. You plan your day the night before in your head: "I will wake up, do some yoga, .."
Art and meditation
The force is with(in) you Creativity comes from a source in which we are connected to the universe inside ourselves. I can truly never...
"Mijn mama is een kunstenaar."
Er heersen nogal wat patriarchistische overtuigingen rond kunst en moederschap. Zoals in dit artikel wordt verkondigd, is het samengaan...
What is your Ikigai?
Do you know the beautiful japanese concept Ikigai? It's sourced on a little Isle, where people live and work even when really old, and...
Blueprint - orgasmic manifesting
Vandaag is een grijze dag. Een waar regensluiers tegen je aanplakken, je adem dampt en het klamme koude gevoel doorheen winterjas en huid...
Conversations with the universe
You might be one of those people that likes to know how the mind and soul of an artist work. I am to share with you how I got inspired...